查看完整版本: 中國首艘055万噸級驅逐艦今日下水 -- ZT
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uskz 發表於 2017-6-28 12:40 PM

中國首艘055万噸級驅逐艦今日下水 -- ZT


今天早晨,055型驅逐艦下水(資料圖)鳳凰軍事 金昊今天,中國國產的大型驅逐艦055終于下水了!這個消息真的值得我們激動地哭一會儿!為什麼呢?因為055對于解放軍海軍來說,意義相當重大,不亞于001A航母。有人說,中國已經有了被稱為“航母帶刀護衛”的052D驅逐艦,還需要055嗎?下面,我們簡明扼要地給大家科普一下,055到底牛在哪里。第一,  極大地增强了中國航母編隊的防空能力。中國目前的航母編隊是有明顯缺陷的。比如,沒有固定翼艦載預警機,航母編隊的各種作戰條令條例仍在摸索,缺乏艦載機復雜條件下的起降能力,沒有巡洋艦和大型驅逐艦的伴隨護航。055的出現,彌補了大型護航艦艇這個短板。052C和052D也是盾艦,也可以說是航母的帶刀護衛,為什麼一定還要055呢?因為噸位。最簡單的,噸位小,你能帶的武器就少。052D的噸位為6000多噸,共有64個垂發單元,而055呢,據張召忠微博透露,滿載排水量12300噸,有兩套64單元的垂發系統,比052D多一倍。護航艦艇又要防空,還要負責反艦、反潛和對陸打擊,64單元的垂發系統分別要裝填不同的彈種,在高烈度作戰環境中,052D會感到力不從心,而裝有128單元的055應對要從容一些。第二,  開辟了中國艦隊對陸打擊能力。
現在的“遼寧”號航母編隊,是不具備對陸打擊能力的。護航艦艇几乎不裝備對陸打擊導彈,艦載機殲-15也沒有對陸打擊武器,這是“遼寧”號編隊的重要缺陷。前一段,新聞曾經報道,“遼寧”號開赴台灣以東海面。然而,對于缺乏對陸打擊能力的艦隊來說,此舉對台灣當局、特別是對台軍的震懾總感覺有所欠缺。由于要應對高强度的海上機動作戰,052D裝備的彈種主要以反艦和防空彈為主,對陸打擊導彈裝備很少。而055的128垂發單元中,將大量裝備對陸打擊的巡航導彈,將來中國航母有了055護航,如果再開到台灣以東海域,那麼台東一線及縱深的軍用港口、機場、基地、兵營,都將暴露在解放軍的利刃之下。第三,中國航母將更加安全。對航母威脅最大的,其實是對方的潛艇。6000噸級的052D獨自面對防空、反艦、反潛任務力有不逮,而055服役后,可以分擔防空和對陸打擊任務,052D、054A等艦艇將專注于反潛和反艦作戰。因此,航母的安全性會大幅提高。(作者微信:叫我金主編)http://p2.ifengimg.com/a/2016/0810/204c433878d5cf9size1_w16_h16.png來源:鳳凰軍事心得:讓眾多中國軍迷期盼已久的万噸級055型驅逐艦, 今天終于拉下面紗下水了。從1991年8月28日下水的‘中華第一艦’, 052型哈爾濱號驅逐艦,到神盾052B和帶刀侍衛052D, 直至今日的万噸級055下水, 大陸在海軍驅逐艦,一步一個腳印,扎扎實實的 走了十多年,最終修成了正果。。。。。。

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qaz00077 發表於 2017-6-28 03:40 PM


oper0090 發表於 2017-6-28 04:10 PM


MAXpayne1 發表於 2017-6-28 05:51 PM

本帖最後由 MAXpayne1 於 2017-6-28 05:51 PM 編輯



kgwdm 發表於 2017-6-28 05:52 PM

挺期待能有細節關于055新的一体化桅杆的。不過這艘戰艦看著, 真壯實!<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

匪兵乙 發表於 2017-6-28 06:01 PM

qaz00077 發表於 2017-6-28 03:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif


Maribel_Hearn 發表於 2017-6-28 07:47 PM


kgwdm 發表於 2017-6-28 09:48 PM


CWZ 發表於 2017-6-28 10:25 PM

qaz00077 發表於 2017-6-28 03:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif

若菲律賓貨輪能撞到 055 型驅逐艦

jcojcoo 發表於 2017-6-29 06:37 AM


xm8125ey 發表於 2017-6-29 09:21 AM


freyjaminerva 發表於 2017-6-29 01:24 PM


CWZ 發表於 2017-6-29 03:02 PM

xm8125ey 發表於 2017-6-29 09:21 AM static/image/common/back.gif


nika777 發表於 2017-6-29 03:31 PM


xeno-2007 發表於 2017-6-29 03:46 PM

美國National Interest對中國055驅逐艦的評論:

Naval Deathmatch: America's Zumwalt Stealth Destroyer vs. China's New Type 55 Warship

Zumwalt, on the other hand, pushes the boundaries of warship-design and could potentially open up new operational concepts. Not since the age of the battleship have navies deployed large warships close to enemy shores for the purposes of bombarding targets on land. Radars and guided missiles made the mission too dangerous for today’s flimsy, easy-to-detect surface combatants.
The Type 055 will probably do for China what the Aegis cruisers and destroyers — nearly 100 of them — are already doing for the United States. That is, protecting the carriers. Zumwalt, however, could make near-shore fire support possible again — a feat the Type 055 surely can’t duplicate.

It could turn out that sheer size is the only meaningful characteristic America and China’s respective 14,000-ton surface warships have in common.
On Oct. 15, 2016 in Baltimore on the U.S. East Coast, the U.S. Navy commissioned the guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt into service following a protracted and costly development.
Six hundred feet long and displacing 14,500 tons, Zumwalt — the first of three stealthy land-attack destroyers — is America’s largest surface combatant in generations.
But she’s not alone in her weight class. While the Americans were celebrating Zumwalt’s entry into service, on the other side of the world at a shipyard in Shanghai, the Chinese navy was hard at work on its own 14,000-ton-displacement surface warship.
The Type 055 just began major construction and probably won’t enter service before 2018. But when she does, she could be the biggest and most powerful surface warship in Asia.
It’s unclear exactly what the Type 055 will do, but indications are that she’ll function as the main air-defense escort for China’s new domestically-built aircraft carrier, currently under construction at Dalian in northern China.
Consider the Type 055’s superstructure facets, apparently meant to support radar emitters similar to the SPY-1 emitters that are part of the U.S. Navy’s Aegis air-defense system. U.S. Navy flattops never go anywhere without at least one Aegis-equipped cruiser and several Aegis destroyers as escorts. Zumwalt, notably, is the first new major American surface combatant class in 30 years not to have Aegis.
The Type 055 likely won’t be a direct competitor of Zumwalt. Rather than integrating Zumwalt and her two sisters into carrier battle groups, the U.S. Navy will probably deploy the giant destroyers on solo cruises near land in order to take advantage of the vessels’ radar-evading hull-form and their twin, 155-millimeter guns, which can fire projectiles a distance of at least 80 miles in order to support amphibious landings and special operations.
The apparent differences between the Type 055 and the Zumwalt class are stark.
The Type 055 boasts a fairly traditional hull-form and superstructure, with only modest attempts to reduce radar-signature by way of an enclosed forward deck, an angular front superstructure and an enclosed main mast.
By contrast, Zumwalt is stealthy from the keel up, with a distinctive downward-sloping “tumblehome” hull and fully enclosed sensors and gun turrets. Arguably, Zumwalt and her sisters have greater need of stealth, as they could sail alone and close to enemy shores.
Assuming the Type 055 is indeed primarily an air-defense ship, she could travel in close company with a carrier, other escort vessels and even logistics ships, none of which are particularly stealthy. Building stealth into the Type 055 would represent an inefficient use of resources — assuming China’s naval architects are even capable of designing a ship as stealthy as Zumwalt is.
The Type 055 reportedly boasts 128 vertical launch cells for anti-air missiles and other munitions — six cells more than the U.S. Navy’s own most heavily-armed surface warships, the venerable Ticonderoga-class cruisers.
Zumwalt carries just 80 cells. These are arrayed along the edges of Zumwalt’s hull — the idea being that missile cells can also function as “armor,” partially absorbing the force of a missile or gun hit. The Type 055 apparently carries her own missiles in centrally-installed clusters, like the Ticonderogas and most other warships do.
Zumwalt’s designers traded missile capacity for durability. The Type 055’s originators stuck to traditional design principles, maximizing firepower at the cost of damage-resistance.
In many ways, the Type 055 is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Largely conventional in form and function, the Type 055’s major innovation is, simply put, her size.
Zumwalt, on the other hand, pushes the boundaries of warship-design and could potentially open up new operational concepts. Not since the age of the battleship have navies deployed large warships close to enemy shores for the purposes of bombarding targets on land. Radars and guided missiles made the mission too dangerous for today’s flimsy, easy-to-detect surface combatants.
The Type 055 will probably do for China what the Aegis cruisers and destroyers — nearly 100 of them — are already doing for the United States. That is, protecting the carriers. Zumwalt, however, could make near-shore fire support possible again — a feat the Type 055 surely can’t duplicate.
It could turn out that sheer size is the only meaningful characteristic America and China’s respective 14,000-ton surface warships have in common.

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