查看完整版本: 是否該沖洗或浸泡雞肉呢?
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fil5588888 發表於 2019-3-11 10:55 AM


本帖最後由 fil5588888 於 2019-3-13 12:59 PM 編輯

沖洗或浸泡雞肉並不會破壞細菌, 只有高溫烹飪才能消滅新鮮雞肉上可能存在的細菌。
Rinsing or Soaking Chicken
Washing raw poultry before cooking it is not recommended. Bacteria in raw meat and poultry juices can be spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces. This is called cross-contamination. Rinsing or soaking chicken does not destroy bacteria. Only cooking will destroy any bacteria that might be present on fresh chicken.

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fiendfox 發表於 2019-3-11 10:28 PM

不管是雞腿肉 或是 雞胸肉
在烹煮以前都會 稍微用水沖一下耶!!
但是帶骨的雞肉 都會多加一個步驟 就是用熱水川燙一下{:44:}
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